Entertainment Law


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Marshalls & Dent Lawyers published an article
about 9 years ago

You can't handle the truth!

Jack Nicholson famously said in A Few Good Men (1992): “you can’t handle the truth!” But how much trouble will I be in if I reveal an unpleasant truth about someone? Or alternatively, what if I bend the truth to show them in a negative light? Defamation as a body of law treads a line betw...
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Marshalls & Dent Lawyers published an article
about 9 years ago

Protect your event from the unexpected!

Protect your Event against the Unexpected!  Imagine that your company, Treble Clef (‘TC’), is producing the One Week Music Festival (‘OWMF’), the biggest music festival to take place in Australia. Famous performers from across the globe are set to perform in various venues all around ...