A member asked almost 9 years ago

Employment Law - working hours

My friend works for a private college as a full-time trainer. She was asked to work 38 hours  per week excluding a meal break.  For example if the work starts from 9:00 am, she finishes her work at 5:30pm with 45 mins unpaid meal break. I checked Post Secondary Education Award but needs clarification. Should the meal break be included in the ordinary hours of work, 38 hours a week? 

Kristin Ramsey
Director at Hynes Legal

Typically hours of work exclude unpaid meal breaks. This may be different under particular awards however.

So if a person is required to work 38 hours per week, their total hours would be 38 paid hours plus the unpaid meal break(s).

In the case of your friend, if she has a 45 min unpaid meal break each day she would need to work from 9am until about 5.20pmin orderto work her fulll 38 hours per week.

Answered almost 9 years ago   Legal disclaimer


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