A member asked about 9 years ago

how to claim money that is owing

my company has sold a product to a purchaser. the original arrangement was that he would pay an initial deposit and the balance owing would become payable after the product has been delivered.

the product was delivered and he now refuses to pay. in fact, he has claimed that he had sold the product already and asked me not to pester him anymore. the balance owing is close to 2000 dollars.

Daniel Meyerowitz Katz
Barrister at NSW Bar

You would have a few options. A lot of the time all you need to do is send an angry letter threatening to take him to court, although it may be a good idea to hire a lawyer to write the angry letter. If that doesn't work, you could consider taking him to the small claims court, although without knowing more it's not possible to assess your prospects of success.

Unfortunately $2,000 is a relatively small amount in terms of legal proceedings, and the cost of recovering it could well make it not worth your while. The best advice really is not to deal with this guy again.

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Answered about 9 years ago   Legal disclaimer


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