A member asked over 9 years ago

low range pca info

Information re. a breath analysis test reading of 0.076.
I requested a blood test, and a sample was taken. I called the police station to obtain results of the blood test and they advised that it may not have been analysed yet as there were no results were on file. They also explained that to analyse the blood sample, it would be at my expense.

Question is: What if i do not want to pay for it to be analysed and i just want to proceed to court on the initial breath analysis test reading? Is that possible?

Nicholas Stewart
Partner at Dowson Turco Lawyers

Yes, you can proceed on that basis but you'd have to accept the initial reading.

This would then be a case of entering a guilty plea on those facts, doing a traffic offender course and preparing character references.

Suggested way forward

This depends on you.

Answered over 9 years ago   Legal disclaimer

Mai  Truong
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