A member asked about 9 years ago

My uncle owes my Mum property.

Need advice on claiming a property on grounds that owner was mentally ill when someone had the will changed. Do I need to put some sort of hold on the property so they can't sell it and move the money out of legal reach and if so what is it called?

It happened 30 years ago and we have all supporting documents.


Christie Gardiner
Lecturer of Law at Australian National University

So that I can offer you some information, can you please clarify the following:

1. Was the property in question gifted to someone (your uncle?) in a will?

2. You mentioned that it happened 30 years ago, by this do you mean the will was changed 30 years ago, or the person passed away 30 years ago?

3. When did the person pass away?

4. When did your mum first become aware of this situation?

5. What evidence does your mum have of the deceased's mental illness and its impact on his will?

Thank you.

Answered about 9 years ago   Legal disclaimer


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