Technology and intellectual property lawyer with broad experience overseas and in Australia. Provides sensible legal advice which is straight to the point.
Recognised in the Doyles Guide 2015 and 2016 listing of leading Melbourne TMT lawyers.
March, 2012 - Present
Dudley is a commercial lawyer with a specialty in technology, cyber security and intellectual property. Dudley’s clients include technology companies, startups, telcos and ISPs, super funds and corporates. Dudley also advises clients on legal issues around social media, privacy and spam. Dudley has a particular focus on the regulated industries advising on strategic sourcing and supply arrangements including cloud computing.
July, 2008 - March, 2012
Technology and Intellectual Property
Bachelor of Laws
1993 - 1997
Bachelor of Arts
1990 - 1994
Level 33, 140 William Street, Melbourne 3000
Victoria, Australia
17 years held