Julie practices in administrative, industrial and commercial law. She accepts briefs in these areas.
Before coming to the Bar, Julie was senior in-house counsel at Monash University where she acted for and advised the University on issues of public and administrative law, disciplinary proceedings, discrimination and negligence claims.
Julie was also in-house counsel for State and Federal governments in the ACT and in Victoria. She was a solicitor advocate for the Commonwealth Department of Human Services, appearing in merits review proceedings in the AAT. While at DHS, Julie also gained experience in employment law, freedom of information, privacy and secrecy. She practised in commercial law at Public Transport Victoria, providing legal advice in a number of public transport and infrastructure projects.
Julie is a sessional lecturer at RMIT, where she teaches administrative law. She is reading with Jim McKenna. Her senior mentor is Paul Anastassiou QC.
May, 2018 - Present
Barrister at the Victorian Bar, practising in administrative, industrial and commercial law.
Senior Lawyer
February, 2017 - March, 2018
Senior lawyer in the Office of the General Counsel for Monash University, specialising in administrative law, disciplinary proceedings, and discrimination claims.
February, 2016 - January, 2017
Commercial lawyer providing legal advice in relation to public infrastructure projects.
Government Lawyer
February, 2012 - January, 2016
In-house lawyer for the Department of Human Services in Canberra and in Melbourne, specialising in: - Public and administrative law - Merits review of government decisions - Employment and discrimination - FOI, privacy and secrecy laws
Master of Laws
2013 - 2015
Bachelor of Arts/Law
2007 - 2012
Victoria, Australia
1 year held