This innovative small boutique firm provides a comprehensive, proactive and no nonsense approach in meeting client expectations.
Our reputation is built on establishing solid relationships with our clients who take advantage of the synergies offered through our one-stop solution to their legal, compliance and business needs.
Why run around between one firm of accountants and another firm of lawyers who may never properly communicate in respect to your particular commercial, family matter or business circumstance.
Save on your time, confusion and expense in getting the right answer the first time, when you need it and when it really counts.
October, 2003 - Present
October, 2003 - Present
Master of Laws
2003 - 2006
Bachelor of Laws
1999 - 2003
CPA Accreditation
1996 - 1999
Bachelor of Commerce
1993 - 1996
Diploma of Business
1986 - 1987
Level 1, 299 Elizabeth Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
New South Wales, Australia
12 years held
Registered Tax Agent
Australia, Tax Practitioners Board
ASIC Registered Agent
Australia, Australian Securities & Investments Commission