Negotiation skills
Part of the skills required of a lawyer is the art of negotiation.I
still remember my time as a street kid living in Singapore. Coming
from a family of 10, Lawrence ( my other brother who was a year older
than me) and I used to play in the streets of Tiong B...
Binding Financial Agreements
Are they the next best thing to divorce
For most of life’s vicissitudes there is an insurance
cover. For managing the financial aspects of a potential marriage or de facto
relationship breakdown there is a binding financial agreement (BFA)....
Spouse Migration Tips
I would like to share with you my latest article in the PerthWoman magazine.It deals with the issue of spouse migration and tips on how to ensure you succeed in getting your loved one into the country.Having
been a registered migration for over 18 years, I hav...
Do you want to be a guarantor?
Are you sure you want to
sign that guarantee?
What is a Guarantee? What happens if you
sign on that dotted line on behalf of your family or friends?
A guarantee is a contract whereby one person
agrees with another to pay som...