A member asked about 9 years ago

How to request a copyright licence

I wish to create a mobile/tablet application using material from a copyrighted workbook that is freely accessible online. The material I wish to incorporate into the app are mostly surveys/questionnaires, and some text to put the surveys into context. Users of the application would see and use the material each time they access the app. The application would be profitable.

I would like to know what is best-practice to request a licence for such material. Is it as simple as outlining what material I wish to use, and emailing the owner with my request (using the suggestions outlined on http://www.copyright.com.au/about-copyright/managing-rights/licence-terms)?

Should I be patenting my idea before requesting a licence (so as the owner of the material won't create the app themselves)? Are there any potentially pitfalls in requesting a licence via this forum?

Are there other considerations I should be taking into account to give myself the best opportunity in securing a licence?

Dudley Kneller
Partner at Madgwicks

Hello - good question. You are on the right track and it is important to make sure you have the legal rights to use this content before you incorporate it into your app. Emailing the content owner is a good start and you don't have to provide anything more than a summary of your app along with your request. This will help reduce the risk of them "copying" your idea.

Patents are a different thing altogether and would not protect your "idea". Once you have developed your app, copyright laws will provide you with a measure of protection.

If the content is important to include in your app you will need to ensure you obtain appropriate rights to use it. A lawyer can assist you with your initial request and can help make sure you have broad rights to use the content if the owner agrees to license it to you. Good luck!

Answered about 9 years ago   Legal disclaimer

Brennan Ong Lilian Dikmans Josh Kaplan
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